Analysis Of the Final Front Cover of My Magazine NRM.
Part of the main Foundation Portfolio task is todesign a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. I made a draft of my Music Magazine on plain A4 and this is my final version of my music magazine.
I used the music magazines Kerrang! and NME as templates, however, I did not copy them I used them for ideas on how the layout of the front cover of my music magazine should look. I have applied the LIIAR model to my magazine.
The denotation of the magazine is the Masthead NRM This is in the largest font which was created on Word Art, I used no fill, instead I outlined each of the letters in Dark Grey so they would stand out from the background. I attempted to make the lettering the biggest on the page as the Masthead NRM needed to be noticed by the reader. Each of the letters have what they stand for. For example N=New, R-Rock and M=Music. This is to let the reader know what each of the letters in the masthead stand for. The masthead is an abbreviation.
Other Text
The rest of the text on the page I have tried to put in smaller letting. On the actual main photograph is the words “ROCK ALERT”, the words are on a slant so they are noticed, and are meant to look like they are being shaken like an alarm is ringing. The words “ROCK ALERT” are in bright red. The words “SWEET AND SOUR” are underneath and they are in capital letters and are in the font color dark purple and outlined in Black. In the black and white box is more photographs, these are of other bands, and again there are the name of the bands which I designed in Wordart. Each of the names of the bands is meant to stand out to the eye so the reader will notice the bands. The minor text such as the text in the Black and Grey Rectangular box at the bottom is in smaller white font as this text is not as important but still needs to be read.
The Pictures
On the front cover of my music magazine is the photographs of the bands I have interviewed. The largest photograph on the front cover of the magazine is the band Sweet and Sour because this is the main band being interviewed. The camera angle of the photograph is a two shot but the camera angle could also be a medium-shot where only the top half of the body and the face can be seen. The band is standing in front of a Grey Background to allow them to stand out from the front cover. Although the picture does have text on, down the side of the photograph is the masthead NRM, as NRM is a new magazine the masthead needs to be noticed so it is remembered by the reader. There is also other text on top of the picture including the name of the band which is in large lettering, but I tried to ensure the lettering did not take over the photograph and cover the band. The other photographs I took are smaller because they are other bands and are not part of the main article. The other photographs are in a Black and Grey box, to show they are not as important as the main photograph on the front cover. All the pictures are in color but one which is the “SISTER ACT”, I edited this on Picture manager.
I looked at the different layouts on the rock magazines such as Kerrang! On Kerrang your eye can scan down the page and take all the information in, I wanted my magazine to do that to.
My magazine did this because there is the main picture and your eye can scan down the page and take all the information in, I tried to ensure the layout was not too busy. I wanted every component of the magazine to be noticed and to be read by the reader.
The Photograph
I took the photographs myself. The main photograph of the article in the magazine is of me and my sister. I called the picture and the band we are in Sweet and Sour. I put my digital camera on a self timer.
Sweet and Sour
The original picture of Sweet and Sour was in plain color and I felt needed editing to put on the front cover. So I decided to use Adobe Fireworks CS3. I uploaded the picture of Sweet and Sour on Adobe Fireworks CS3 and decided to experiment with the tools. I felt the colors needed changing, but I had to ensure the colors still connotate rock music. So i made the decision to use the colors Black and White, I used a solid fill, however, the texture of the color was Grain. You can still see Sweet and Sour underneath this color.
The Pose
Both of the band members are staring up at the reader. I am on the right, and I am pulling a mischievous smile, however, this is slightly hidden by the colors, and my sister is pulling a pout and striking a whacky pose. The whacky pose is meant to make the photograph a bit amusing as I don’t want my magazine to be taken too seriously. I am on the right and the mischievous smile I am pulling at the reader is meant to catch their eye. The pose my sis is pulling is meant to make the reader smile; she is pulling what we call the myspace pose. She is staring into the reader’s eye to appear cheeky. I have my head lent against hers, although I don’t cover her face are hoodie, I am pulling a mischievous smile at the reader to make them wonder why I am looking mischievous. Neither me nor my sister look serious.
The Clothes
We are both in grey hoodies;however, the grey hoodies are again covered in color even though we are on a grey and black background we still stand out from the background as the hoodies we are wearing are a lighter shade of grey. My sister has her hood up, and this frames her face and defines her facial feature. Her blonde hair stands out even though most of it is covered in black and white in the photograph and again like the hood actual frames her face, and makes the face she is pulling stand out, she is looking up directly at the reader and pulling a pout, this makes her seem a little sour and mischievous. Her face is covered in Black and White but her blue eyes stand out to the readers eye. My hair covers part of my face, as some of the band artists on the magazines such as Kerrang! and NME! do hide part of their face sometimes. Although my hair does frame my face, and my Blue eye stands out to the reader, I am directly making eye contact with the reader.
The visual presentation is me and my sister Hannah a.k.a Sweet and Sour. My sister is on the left, she has her hood up and is pulling the “myspace pose” and I am pulling a mischievous smile to the reader. The poses we are doing are meant to make the reader smile and make them wonder why we would strike poses like that, but the way we are each posing represents “Sweet and Sour”. The Sweet and Sour photograph I edited on Adobe Fireworks CS3, I decided to fill in the faces with black and white, because I noticed on a lot of rock magazines Black and Whites are used and again this connotes rock music. There are other photographs which I took of other bands which are going to be in the magazine. All the pictures are smaller because they are not on the double page spread. The pictures are unique in their own ways, especially the photograph of “SISTER ACT” which I edited on Picture manager, I changed the colors. I cropped all the pictures because I did not want to re-size them and ruin the picture. The pictures are all different components and make up the magazine.
I tried to make the fonts I used similar to music magazines such as Kerrang!, however, I tried to make the font I used different. The biggest font was the masthead and I did not want it blending into the picture, and I did not want it to take over the picture, so I tried to make the masthead NRM by outlining each letter. I tried to make NRM the biggest font on the page, to make it stand out to the reader and make the reader buy it. But it is also important that the masthead is outlined because the name of the magazine needs to be remembered by the reader, so when they go back to a shop they will remember it The lettering is shattered int he masthead because I wanted it to seem that the writing had been shattered by loud music. Other text such as “ROCK ALERT” and “SWEET AND SOUR” are in capital letters and in bright colors so they will be recognized. “ROCK ALERT” is in bright red because it is meant to connotates an alarm, as alarms alert people. “ROCK ALERT” is at a slant as if it is shaking because this rock band needs to be known about. The other text on the other pictures is smaller because the text is on less important pictures, and needs to be noticed because they are new bands, but the smaller text shows that these articles aren’t as important as the “SWEET AND SOUR” article. But again the text on the smaller pictures is in colours which stand out to the eye.
The magazine is being produced for people who are into the genre of music, although I am aiming the magazine at the age group 15-25 years old. The magazine will interest the readers with the latest news from the rock world, the latest gigs, offers chances for bands to play with other rock bands, and interviews with the latest bands. This allows the readers to know what is going on the rock world. This magazine is meant to entertain the readers. There is also other gossip on inthe latest albums being released.
The magazine is going to be based on the rock music world. Some of the values of the magazine are the values of the bands and how good they are.
The audience I am aiming this magazine at is anyone in the age group of 15-25 who are into the rock music world, however, I am also aiming NRM at anyone who likes to read about rock music.
My magazine NRM is representing the rock bands, so the photographs I take need to represent the rock bands being shown. Also the magazine is representing the audience by using the bands they like. The main photograph I used needed to represent a rock band which would appeal to the audience, and also needed to represent the rock band itself. I tried to make the image relate to the genre of rock music.
Part of the main Foundation Portfolio task is todesign a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. I made a draft of my Music Magazine on plain A4 and this is my final version of my music magazine.
I used the music magazines Kerrang! and NME as templates, however, I did not copy them I used them for ideas on how the layout of the front cover of my music magazine should look. I have applied the LIIAR model to my magazine.
The denotation of the magazine is the Masthead NRM This is in the largest font which was created on Word Art, I used no fill, instead I outlined each of the letters in Dark Grey so they would stand out from the background. I attempted to make the lettering the biggest on the page as the Masthead NRM needed to be noticed by the reader. Each of the letters have what they stand for. For example N=New, R-Rock and M=Music. This is to let the reader know what each of the letters in the masthead stand for. The masthead is an abbreviation.
Other Text
The rest of the text on the page I have tried to put in smaller letting. On the actual main photograph is the words “ROCK ALERT”, the words are on a slant so they are noticed, and are meant to look like they are being shaken like an alarm is ringing. The words “ROCK ALERT” are in bright red. The words “SWEET AND SOUR” are underneath and they are in capital letters and are in the font color dark purple and outlined in Black. In the black and white box is more photographs, these are of other bands, and again there are the name of the bands which I designed in Wordart. Each of the names of the bands is meant to stand out to the eye so the reader will notice the bands. The minor text such as the text in the Black and Grey Rectangular box at the bottom is in smaller white font as this text is not as important but still needs to be read.
The Pictures
On the front cover of my music magazine is the photographs of the bands I have interviewed. The largest photograph on the front cover of the magazine is the band Sweet and Sour because this is the main band being interviewed. The camera angle of the photograph is a two shot but the camera angle could also be a medium-shot where only the top half of the body and the face can be seen. The band is standing in front of a Grey Background to allow them to stand out from the front cover. Although the picture does have text on, down the side of the photograph is the masthead NRM, as NRM is a new magazine the masthead needs to be noticed so it is remembered by the reader. There is also other text on top of the picture including the name of the band which is in large lettering, but I tried to ensure the lettering did not take over the photograph and cover the band. The other photographs I took are smaller because they are other bands and are not part of the main article. The other photographs are in a Black and Grey box, to show they are not as important as the main photograph on the front cover. All the pictures are in color but one which is the “SISTER ACT”, I edited this on Picture manager.
I looked at the different layouts on the rock magazines such as Kerrang! On Kerrang your eye can scan down the page and take all the information in, I wanted my magazine to do that to.
My magazine did this because there is the main picture and your eye can scan down the page and take all the information in, I tried to ensure the layout was not too busy. I wanted every component of the magazine to be noticed and to be read by the reader.
The Photograph
I took the photographs myself. The main photograph of the article in the magazine is of me and my sister. I called the picture and the band we are in Sweet and Sour. I put my digital camera on a self timer.
Sweet and Sour
The original picture of Sweet and Sour was in plain color and I felt needed editing to put on the front cover. So I decided to use Adobe Fireworks CS3. I uploaded the picture of Sweet and Sour on Adobe Fireworks CS3 and decided to experiment with the tools. I felt the colors needed changing, but I had to ensure the colors still connotate rock music. So i made the decision to use the colors Black and White, I used a solid fill, however, the texture of the color was Grain. You can still see Sweet and Sour underneath this color.
The Pose
Both of the band members are staring up at the reader. I am on the right, and I am pulling a mischievous smile, however, this is slightly hidden by the colors, and my sister is pulling a pout and striking a whacky pose. The whacky pose is meant to make the photograph a bit amusing as I don’t want my magazine to be taken too seriously. I am on the right and the mischievous smile I am pulling at the reader is meant to catch their eye. The pose my sis is pulling is meant to make the reader smile; she is pulling what we call the myspace pose. She is staring into the reader’s eye to appear cheeky. I have my head lent against hers, although I don’t cover her face are hoodie, I am pulling a mischievous smile at the reader to make them wonder why I am looking mischievous. Neither me nor my sister look serious.
The Clothes
We are both in grey hoodies;however, the grey hoodies are again covered in color even though we are on a grey and black background we still stand out from the background as the hoodies we are wearing are a lighter shade of grey. My sister has her hood up, and this frames her face and defines her facial feature. Her blonde hair stands out even though most of it is covered in black and white in the photograph and again like the hood actual frames her face, and makes the face she is pulling stand out, she is looking up directly at the reader and pulling a pout, this makes her seem a little sour and mischievous. Her face is covered in Black and White but her blue eyes stand out to the readers eye. My hair covers part of my face, as some of the band artists on the magazines such as Kerrang! and NME! do hide part of their face sometimes. Although my hair does frame my face, and my Blue eye stands out to the reader, I am directly making eye contact with the reader.
The visual presentation is me and my sister Hannah a.k.a Sweet and Sour. My sister is on the left, she has her hood up and is pulling the “myspace pose” and I am pulling a mischievous smile to the reader. The poses we are doing are meant to make the reader smile and make them wonder why we would strike poses like that, but the way we are each posing represents “Sweet and Sour”. The Sweet and Sour photograph I edited on Adobe Fireworks CS3, I decided to fill in the faces with black and white, because I noticed on a lot of rock magazines Black and Whites are used and again this connotes rock music. There are other photographs which I took of other bands which are going to be in the magazine. All the pictures are smaller because they are not on the double page spread. The pictures are unique in their own ways, especially the photograph of “SISTER ACT” which I edited on Picture manager, I changed the colors. I cropped all the pictures because I did not want to re-size them and ruin the picture. The pictures are all different components and make up the magazine.
I tried to make the fonts I used similar to music magazines such as Kerrang!, however, I tried to make the font I used different. The biggest font was the masthead and I did not want it blending into the picture, and I did not want it to take over the picture, so I tried to make the masthead NRM by outlining each letter. I tried to make NRM the biggest font on the page, to make it stand out to the reader and make the reader buy it. But it is also important that the masthead is outlined because the name of the magazine needs to be remembered by the reader, so when they go back to a shop they will remember it The lettering is shattered int he masthead because I wanted it to seem that the writing had been shattered by loud music. Other text such as “ROCK ALERT” and “SWEET AND SOUR” are in capital letters and in bright colors so they will be recognized. “ROCK ALERT” is in bright red because it is meant to connotates an alarm, as alarms alert people. “ROCK ALERT” is at a slant as if it is shaking because this rock band needs to be known about. The other text on the other pictures is smaller because the text is on less important pictures, and needs to be noticed because they are new bands, but the smaller text shows that these articles aren’t as important as the “SWEET AND SOUR” article. But again the text on the smaller pictures is in colours which stand out to the eye.
The magazine is being produced for people who are into the genre of music, although I am aiming the magazine at the age group 15-25 years old. The magazine will interest the readers with the latest news from the rock world, the latest gigs, offers chances for bands to play with other rock bands, and interviews with the latest bands. This allows the readers to know what is going on the rock world. This magazine is meant to entertain the readers. There is also other gossip on inthe latest albums being released.
The magazine is going to be based on the rock music world. Some of the values of the magazine are the values of the bands and how good they are.
The audience I am aiming this magazine at is anyone in the age group of 15-25 who are into the rock music world, however, I am also aiming NRM at anyone who likes to read about rock music.
My magazine NRM is representing the rock bands, so the photographs I take need to represent the rock bands being shown. Also the magazine is representing the audience by using the bands they like. The main photograph I used needed to represent a rock band which would appeal to the audience, and also needed to represent the rock band itself. I tried to make the image relate to the genre of rock music.
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